There are two types of people in this world: those who shop in advance (possibly year round), and those who put it off until the last minute. Yes, it’s that time of the year again, where December ends just as quickly as it kicks-off. If somebody asked me what I really wanted for this Christmas this year, it would be simple: more time between December 1st and 31st.
Haha, just kidding! I’d totally ask for an iPhone 6.
We rush toward the year’s end with lofty goals for the up and coming new year. You know how it goes; workout, take up a new hobby, call your mom more than you usually do (seriously though, you should get on it). But before you pick up the phone, you need to start/finish your Christmas shopping. Priorities suck, am I right?
Sure, you can procrastinate, but only for so long. The holidays are upon us, so crank up the Mariah, hang up some mistletoe and take your vitamins – because it’s GO time!
Over the next 12 days, Nudabite is going to help you out – because we’ve got your back (and that’s what friends are for). Today is DAY ONE, and what better way to kick-off this 12 Days of Christmas Shopping With Nudabite, than with Etsy Montreal!
I recently attended an Etsy Canada Pop-Up Shop in the Mile End. The event was organized by the lovely ladies at Rev Communications, and it showcased some of the coolest Canadian and Montreal artists and designers.

Upon arrival at Fripe Fabrique, I was greeted with the cutest treats (ever!), warm smiles (to beat off that cold) and an endless display of Etsy-related holiday garb/paraphernalia. Blogger Lake Jane co-hosted the event and gave us a DIY pom-pom tutorial. Crafting these was a joy and will come in handy for making Christmas tree ornaments and gift accessories.

Among the sea of vintage-chic everything, orange and white Etsy garb, existed items from the following designers. Of course, there were dozens of others, but I narrowed my choice down to these.

How awesome is this Florescência Velveteen Yoga Bolster Case? And how much fun is the model having in this photo? Doesn’t it make you wanna have fun too? #WeLoveHavingFun

Hand-crafted these retro-vintage cassette earrings. I don’t know about you, but these sent me right back to the days of NKOTB and Paula Abdul. I would love to see one of our readers rocking these during the holidays! Aside from Lilipop’s amazing skills, the pieces are ALL made with recycled plastics.

For the nugget in your life, this designer creates pure beauty with eco-friendly materials. The paints and varnishes used are non-toxic and water-based. Shown below is the jumping rope in mint. Woods used are FSC certified cherry and the cords are 100% cotton, so you can sleep better at night. Not feeling the colour? Check these out.

For the minimalist fashionista in your life, this ring makes for a pretty darn perfect gift. It’s also marked in $ CAD, to give you an accurate price.

These designs are made from metal, so try not to over-bend. Have a pierced septum but still love this design? Don’t hesitate to contact the designer, she can craft a closed loop, no problemo!
FYI Montréal shoppers: for orders to be received in time for Christmas, be sure to place your order before December 16.

Noémiah Ok, seriously this designer rocks what she does. It took me a long LONG time to select just one image for this post, so I decided there will be two.
Noémiah’s designs show incredibly skillful talent. Her pieces are delicate high-femme, made with natural materials and hand-made with love (aww!)

This bag was an instant coup-de-coeur the second I noticed it. What’s not to love?

This part of a special Holiday collection and they are running limited quantity, so get on it! This collection was designed in collaboration with another Montreal-based designer Veinage. Check out her shop.
So there ya have it. Day one down and eleven left to go.
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Feel free to check out #UnwrapEtsy on Instagram to see what the bloggers were up to.
Have YOU finalized your Christmas/Holiday shopping?
In shopper-procrastination-solidarity,