Expo Manger Santé et Vivre Vert

Expo Manger Santé
Expo Manger Santé

Written by: Maude Martin and Jessica Nudo

Photos by: Jessica Nudo 

If you’d like to make your life a little greener and a little healthier, the Expo Manger Santé et Vivre Vert is a good place to start. The three-day event (March 21st to 23rd in Montreal this year) is an opportunity to see what’s what. Ever wondered what chlorophyll is all about? Chia seeds? Hemp hearts? Samples, information, and discounted rates all take center stage here. Talk to the experts, pick up pamphlets and sign up for an introductory raw food cooking class. Your health will thank you later.


Baby Greens!! Grow baby GROW!!

Nudabite spent Saturday the 22nd ploughing through the crowds and inching our ways closer and closer to the free, tasty goodies. Here are some of our favourite finds:

Featuring products by L’Apothicaire:

Please note this company is extra special fabulous. They had a variety of spices, teas and natural skincare products available on display and the sales representatives were nothing but friendly. I was really impressed!

L’Apothicaire L’Apothicaire L’Apothicaire


Gluten-FREE (omg!) cookies by Cookie Stéfanie:

Cookie Stéfanie


More noms by Invitation V – Bistro Vegan:

Gluten-free, vegan banana bread with vegan coconut cream icing Invitation V Bistro Vegan

Ah-mah-zing products including: Peter Gillham’s – Natural Calm, Top Nutritionals – Moringa Olifera, a variety of herbal tonics and capsules by Clef des Champs.

Clef des Champs Chill out with Calm


This tasty event is on every year. If you haven’t had a chance to go this time around, make sure to check it out next year!

We had a helluva good time (despite Jes’s hangover from the previous night) however, this was the place to be – health food and natural remedy central – to help cure that hangover or anything else that might be ailing you 😉

Soap! Mustard Variety by Maison Orphée Holy Crap, Skinny B & Mary Jane. Guess which one we sampled. Gluten-Free Pasta by: Nicola Travaglini Vinaigrette Santé by Méchant Mix Vegan Protein
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