Nudannouncement: Official Mac and Cheese Week Winners!

mac and cheese nudabite Montreal

Nudannonce: Gagnants Officiels de la Semaine du Mac&Cheese!

Thousands of Montrealers willingly sacrificed their waistlines over the last week to sample multiple mac&cheese dishes during Montreal’s very first Mac and Cheese Week. This event was created for restaurants, by restaurants and served as an opportunity to promote not only themselves, but each other while drawing attention to this epic bowl of globally savoured comfort food.

Des millers de Montréalais ont décidé d’oublier leur tour de taille pendant une semaine afin de profiter de la toute première édition de la semaine du Mac&Cheese! Cet évènement a été créé par les restaurants pour le peuple! Cette semaine n’a pas seulement servie à leur donner de la visibilité, elle a surtout permis de ramener l’attention sur un classique de l’enfance tellement réconfortant.

Okay, I’ll cut to the chase already!

Roulement de tambours…

It is with great pleasure that we announce the winner – the head cheese – of Montreal’s very first Mac and Cheese Week.

C’est avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme que nous vous annoncons le grand gagnant de cette toute première semaine du Mac&Cheese!

That honour goes to TWO, yes two winners are tied for first place. Given the hundreds of votes that were cast, we ended up with a tie! What are the odds?!?

Les honneurs sont remis à DEUX participants arrivés ex aequo ! Qui aurait cru qu’avec les centaines de votes, cela pourrait arriver!

L’Gros Luxe and Diablos tied for first place, their mac and cheese dishes were voted number one by the people, and their voices and hungry bellies were heard by the interwebs. Great success, and congratulations!

L’Gros Luxe et Diablos sortent grands gagnants de cette compétition! Le peuple et les ventres affamés se sont exprimés sur les Internets. Franc succès, nous félicitons les gagnants!


Ian Woo Photography Diablos Mac and Cheese Montreal
Diablos Mac – Photo courtesy of Ian Woo Photography


Mountain Lake Montreal L'Gros Luxe Mac&Cheese
L’Gros Luxe Mac – Photo courtesy of Genevieve PM Roy of Mountain Lake PBS


Coming in at a close second we have Pierre et Pierre, and EVOO took third place of Mac and Cheese Week Montreal.

Arrive en 2ème place Pierre et Pierre suivi par EVOO qui grimpe sur la 3ème marche du podium.


Ian Woo Pierre et Pierre Mac and Cheese Montreal
Pierre et Pierre Mac – Photo Courtesy of Ian Woo Photography


Ian Woo EVOO Mac and Cheese Montreal
EVOO Mac – Photo courtesy of Ian Woo Photography


Congratulations to all of the participating restaurants, you are all winners in our Nudabooks.

Félicitations à tous les restaurants participants, vous êtes tous gagnants dans notre Nudacoeur.


I believe I speak for us all when I say: and now, onto a month long cleanse.

Je pense parler pour nous tous en disant: maintenant, GYM, GYM, GYM.


Still hungry? Check out some of the images from our Nudafeed on Instagram:

Vous en n’avez pas eu assez? Voici d’autres images de notre profil Instagram @Nudabite:


This is how #MacWeekMTL ended for us! How was your week? @burgerroyalmtl

A photo posted by Team Nuda (@nudabite) on


@paperplanesca know their M&C alright! #Repost #MacWeekMTL A photo posted by Team Nuda (@nudabite) on

Great shot! #Repost @msalydxox 
#MACWEEK2015 #SuWu #LeCheese #Diablos

A photo posted by Team Nuda (@nudabite) on

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