Road to Niagara: An Adventure to Canada’s ‘Cadillac’ of Wine Countries

Cadillac XT5 Platinum

A few weeks ago I made the executive decision to take a road trip with a few of my best. The only thing we were missing was a vehicle, so you can imagine how elated I was when GMC contacted me with an offer to test drive one of their latest models. Bonus when that model was upgraded to a Cadillac SUV. Umm, pinch me? 

And just like that, we were off on a long-weekend adventure to Canada’s Cadillac of wine countries – yes folks, Ontario wines are where it’s at. Plus, the Niagara Region is stunningly beautiful and it had been about 15 years since my last visit. You could say that I was due.

Also, we played the hell out of Ludacris on this trip, but you were probably expecting that. Shout out to my girl Spino for killing it with the Insta stories.

Our plan: drive to Saint Catherines Ontario from Montreal direct and spend the Friday night, which would give us a full day of bike-renting-wine-drinking-exploration awesomeness on Saturday and part of Sunday before heading to the uber touristy Niagara Falls.

But right now, it’s all about that fly ride and getting back behind the wheel after a 2-year hiatus, because driving in Montreal is a hot mess. 

Cadillac XT5 Platinum – The Car That Hugs You

Cadillac XT5 Platinum

At first, it caught me off guard and I thought the car was getting clingy, but the adjustment period was brief, and now it just feels strange to not be hugged by the seatbelt of a car. Better safe and hugged than sorry, right?

Recommended for Drivers of All Levels of Experience


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Taking cues as a less experienced driver, the Cadillac XT5 Platinum allowed me to be behind the wheel with peace of mind, knowing that even if I was a little rusty, this car had my back, front, and basically my everywhere covered.

Cadillac XT5 Platinum Luxury Cars
For 4 days, the Cadillac XT5 Platinum and I were one.

From 18 to 80, little experience to decades worth, this is the sports utility vehicle that puts everything into perspective while simplifying the driving experience and offering way more than the standard amenities. Enroute in-car Wifi saved my data-hungry ass over this trip because, for some unknown reason, 8 gigs of data every month isn’t enough for me.

Stereo Sound Fit for Queen (Yes, as in The Band)

It certainly made the journey more enjoyable – especially considering my turn to drive was done entirely in the rain. That didn’t stop me from cranking up Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody while we drifted down the 401, summoning the gals to join in.


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Top Notch Bells, Whistles, and Fuel Efficiency

The prestige of driving a Cadillac went straight to my head and then to my heart. Believe me when I say that I LOVED this car. She drove like a dream that I never wanted to wake up from.

We appreciate good styling, and SUVs are currently on ‘trend’ virtually everywhere. Logistical bonuses such as the rearview indicators, rear view video display, on-star wireless, digitally reflected dashboard, keyless entry, button engine ignition, and impressive cargo capacity had us swooning!


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Good-Byes are Hard

When I had to drop her off, the day (literally) went from sunshine and smiles to drenched unhappiness, and things took a turn for the far less comfortable. The fate of the weather changed for the worse when I dropped her off, matching my emotions and quickly going from IKEA drives and sunny skies to a torrential downpour that left me soaking wet all the way to the bus stop. 

I cherished each moment we had together and I feel confident that she’ll find her forever home.

If there’s one major takeaway from this road trip, it’s that my standards for car ownership are now drastically high. 

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