Yesterday the internet was all a buzz over the recent unveiling of Miley Cyrus’ ‘achieved’ cover status on the recent edition of W Magazine.
In case you’ve been hiding under a rock, Miley ‘laid bare’ in this badass editorial photographed by Mert and Marcus – dressed in Balmain, Alexander McQueen and a platinum weave.
As her “I don’t give a F*$&” campaign continues, you can bet that her fame value will not descend any time soon.
I’m not sure what I find more disturbing: that I’m actually getting used to her public nudity (and it’s becoming fair game in ALL of her photo shoots) or the fact that I was 10 years old when she was born (and her pops hit #1 with ‘Achy Breaky Heart’.)

“I just don’t get what half the girls are wearing. Everyone to me seems like Vanna White. I’m trying to tell girls, like, ‘Fuck that. You don’t have to wear makeup. You don’t have to have long blonde hair and big titties. That’s not what it’s about. It’s, like, personal style.’ I like that I’m associated with sexuality and the kind of punk-rock shit where we just don’t care. Like Madonna or Blondie or Joan Jett—Jett’s the one that I still get a little shaky around. She did what I did in such a crazier way. I mean, girls then weren’t supposed to wear leather pants and, like, fucking rock out.

At the close of the year, she was the most Googled person in America.

Now while I wouldn’t encourage young women out there (and even gals closer to my age) to follow Miley’s …fashion advice, I can appreciate that the girl sticks up for herself and is true to her beliefs.
And while I’m certain that most of my readers may not care for her new album, do yourself a favour and listen to her cover of Jolene and Summertime Sadness. She promises not to disappoint!
Read more on her W Magazine interview here.