Tomorrow marks the first day of Spring, a sign of hope that winter is finally over. The seasonal shift will be accompanied by a solar eclipse, featuring a Supermoon Solar Eclipse in Pisces en plus. Like, we just can’t even get a grip on our excitement. The universe just joygasmed.
Spring symbolizes rebirth – and this is a prefect time to see the world as new and tune into the greater cosmic cycles that we are connected to. Spring Equinox marks a fresh start for us all, so this particular occasion truly encapsulates the spirit of this seasonal shift.
Pisces energy encourages us to dream and vision what we can contribute to create the world we wish to inhabit.
From simple acts of kindness, beginning with the Self, the revolution will birth forth from within each of us. For as we heal, we help others heal. As we shift our vibrations, we contribute in unseen ways to uplifting the energetic web that connects us all.
This week of 2015 is said to be the most powerful as far as astrological terms are concerned. This said “pivotal point” marks an important time for selecting new opportunities and letting go of the past. Self development and discovery are given a big push through these celestial energies, so in other words: reflect, appreciate, be mindful.
“…THE SOLAR ECLIPSE on Friday occurs in the very last degree of Pisces, which is also the very last degree of the zodiac. The 29th degree of any sign is called the ‘anaretic degree,’ and it indicates that we are at a choice point…”
“The last degree of a sign can also be a destabilizing influence, since the energy is in the process of shifting from one mode to another — in this case, we are moving from a water/mutable sign (Pisces) to a fire/cardinal sign (Aries).”
– Pam Younghans *all rights reserved*
PS. There will be another Eclipse – a full Lunar Eclipse on April 4th.
“With two Total Lunar Eclipses back to back– we have a very powerful Eclipse cycle opening up which brings in with it some powerful and inevitable changes…”
Read more about the cosmic fiesta here at Mystic Mamma.
Namaste, Nudapeeps!